Santa Fe
I don't know about y'all, but sometimes my significant other is hard to shop for. I can shop for his clothes all day long, and I know him like the back of my hand. However, when you've been together as long as we have, you start running out of "knock your socks off" gifts.
But if there is one thing I know TC likes, it's traveling. 
So for his birthday I decided to plan a trip to Santa Fe.
We decided on a 3 night stay. We left Thursday and drove back Sunday. 
The drive is about 10 hours, but if you stop a lot like we did.. it's closer to 12!
We considered flying, but there weren't any direct flights and the flights available would've been 8 hours long! No way Jose! Plus, we wanted to stop in little towns along the way. 
Lets get into our trip, I'll caption the pictures along the way.
Ps. Sorry I'm posting a little later than promised,
I am SO busy with wedding stuff and work.
Big Busy Hugs,

First, Here  is a link to the hotel where we stayed. I didn't take any pictures, which is strange. It was a beautiful hotel, and everything was in walking distance. I mean, EVERYTHING.
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We went to Santa Fe!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I don't know about y'all, but sometimes my significant other is hard to shop for. I can shop for his clothes all day long, and I know him like the back of my hand. However, when you've been together as long as we have, you start running out of "knock your socks off" gifts.
But if there is one thing I know TC likes, it's traveling. 
So for his birthday I decided to plan a trip to Santa Fe.
We decided on a 3 night stay. We left Thursday and drove back Sunday. 
The drive is about 10 hours, but if you stop a lot like we did.. it's closer to 12!
We considered flying, but there weren't any direct flights and the flights available would've been 8 hours long! No way Jose! Plus, we wanted to stop in little towns along the way. 
Lets get into our trip, I'll caption the pictures along the way.
Ps. Sorry I'm posting a little later than promised,
I am SO busy with wedding stuff and work.
Big Busy Hugs,

First, Here  is a link to the hotel where we stayed. I didn't take any pictures, which is strange. It was a beautiful hotel, and everything was in walking distance. I mean, EVERYTHING.
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